Excel VBA - The Complete Excel VBA Course for Beginners

Excel VBA - The Complete Excel VBA Course for Beginners
Hear What Some of Our Students are Saying.....
"Really, really good course on VBA! *****"
"Great content, great examples, would definitely take another course from this instructor again!"
"Excellent course for getting started with VBA. The instructor makes every concept clear, and guides you through with many examples.
"Great course for a beginner or as a refresher. I know I will be coming back to some of these lectures as needed for some of his code tidbits because as he says, "you can't remember everything", and I love knowing where I can find what I am looking for.
Want to take your Excel skills to the next level and learn Excel VBA? Well you have come to the right place.
This course covers everything you need to become proficient in Excel VBA. In just a few hours you can be writing your own macros to perform complex tasks and automate reports.
Areas covered include;
- Learning the basics of the VBA language.
- Using loops to perform repetitive tasks.
- Working with built-in VBA Functions.
- Accessing directories and files.
- Automating report generation and saving as PDF.
- Creating your own Excel functions and Add-Ins.
What are the requirements?
- An intermediate to advanced knowledge of Excel
- The course is taught in Excel 2010, but the lessons will work in any version unless stated
- No prior programming skills are necessary. The course starts with the basics
What am I going to get from this course?
- Write powerful Excel VBA code to automate processes
- Identify real world situations where you can apply your new VBA skills
- Understand, test and debug VBA errors
- Fun and effective lessons including 'real world' Excel VBA projects to complete
- Projects and challenges to practice your skills
What is the target audience?
- You want to learn VBA to take your skills to the next level
- You want to automate reports and save time on repetitive and boring tasks
- This course is probably not for those with VBA experience who are looking for advanced VBA.

Excel VBA - The Complete Excel VBA Course for Beginners
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